NAM Aidsmap
Aidsmap is a portal which delivers reliable and accurate HIV information across the world to HIV-positive people and to the professionals who treat, support and care for them.
For access to all information please go to NAM Aidsmap
Phare Project Proposal - Health
I wish to present your organisation an Irredeemable Financing Opportunity.
The program: support for the developing of communitary services in case of mental health and the removing of the mentally ill from the institutions.
Altermedia's Sponsorship Guide"
Altermedia association launches the "Sponsorship Guide" for supporting the activity of the "small civil society", of initiatives and non-profit organisation.
For further information please access Sponsorship Guide
Altermedia - Ghidul sponsorizarii
Asociatia Altermedia lanseaza "Ghidul Sponsorizarii" in vederea spirjinirii activitatii "micii societati civile, a initiatevelor si organizatiilor non-profit ce nu dispun de resurse importante.
Adrese utile ale departamentelor guvernamentale
Puteti accesa detaliile de contact ale Departamentului de Sanatate Publica, Departamentul Muncii, Solidaritatii, Serviciilor Sociale, Familiei, Educatiei si Cetateniei la resurse ONG, adrese utile.
Romanian Government Departments
Contact details of the Romanian Department of Public Health, Work, Solidarity, Social Affairs, Families, Education and Citizenship.
Propunere proiect Phare - Sanatate
Doresc sa prezint organizatiei Dvs o oportunitate de finantare nerambursabila. Programul: Suport pentru dezvoltarea serviciilor comunitare de sanatate mintala si dezinstitutionalizarea persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate mintala.
Statistica Eurocare
Puteti accesa informatiile referitoare la problema alcoolismului in Romania, urmarind link-ul: