NGO resources - databases
Foreign Embassies
They can be useful if they have funding lines opened, if they offer grants or if they wish to collaborate on social programmes.
Grant Bodies database
Useful funding lines. If you check them periodically you will have n up-date of the latest openings.
Grant Bodies1.xls
Grant Bodies
Liniile de finantare cele mai importante. Pot fi verificate periodic, pentru a afla ultimele noutati
Grant Bodies.xls
Pot fi utile in cazul in care ofera grant-uri sau pot fi colaboratori pe programe sociale.
Transport database
Now it is available a database for internal and external transport for goods, donations, materials or any other.
Baza de date transport
Acum este disponibila pe site baza de date a companiilor de transport pe care le puteti folosi in tara si in strainatate pentru transportul donatiilor, materialelor sau a altor lucruri.
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