children project
Development of inner character always implies transformation of a certain set of values, ethics and moral. The inner character means knowing the wor ... the full article
women project
Purpose of the project: *creation of a background where they can enjoy a relaxing atmosphere, where they can share their feelings of life. *aware ... the full article
youth project
Programme for teenagers and youths : seminars, courses, trips, entertainment; Objectives : *learning assertive behaviour through: - development of ... the full article
school after school
Ist – Vth grade; Objectives: -development of reading, writing and school study skills in order to face day to day situations; -stimulation of logi ... the full article
SCUT Day Centre comes forward to the needs of the adults with cronic mental problems (who are not to be committed) by offering support and specialise ... the full article
Proiect Centru Maternal Emanuel
- asigurarea pentru beneficiari a adapostului, hranei, asistentei sociale, psihologice si medicale care sa le permita sa se orienteze spre satisfacere ... the full article
SCUT Day Centre
GRUPUL TINTA al proiectului este format din: Beneficiari directi: persoane adulte cu probleme cronice de sanatate mintala aflate in evidenta psihiatr ... the full article
Projects of Agapedia Foundation
1. Serviciul de tip familial
Serviciul de tip familial are rolul de a asigura, la domiciliul unei persoane fizice sau familii, cre# ... the full article
The campaign for donating clothes and vegetables 2007
During the campaign for supporting the disadvantaged families in the autumn of 2007, we had 7 projects covering areas in need, registered with our Ass ... the full article
preschool project
Programme preschool: kindergarten(2 groups :5-6, 6-7 years old);
Objectives: *Facilitating access to pre-school education for the social-econi ... the full article